A Corn Farmer in Colorado

Thursday, January 19, 2006

For the best?

I know it's for the best. I have to believe that to get through this week. I really need to get over some of the stuff that has been happening lately. Between relationships, friendships, and school/work I just wish things would go away. Since they can't, I just need to take them as they come. Everyone keeps telling me that one of the things that happened is for the most part, for the best. It's just really hard to believe that. I try to put my whole heart into all I do and all I get is this.
I was calm and able to take it all in fine before. Now, all I can think of is what is in store for my future. I do know I need to stop moping around. It's not good for me and has never been apart of who I am. Do I wish it was easier? Yes!


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